Dr. Jennifer Nunnery rejoins the podcast to discuss pet allergies. We talk about what causes the allergic reactions in our pets, how we diagnose the issue and treatment options.

As a peek behind the curtain, we recorded this episode (Ep. 20) on May 23, one month before veterinary students Elizabeth Whitt and Alyssa Howell joined us in the studio for Episode 17. Michael wasn’t paying attention to Stephen’s instructions about episode publication dates and made several comments towards the end of this episode that fall outside the publication timeline. Our apologies to our dedicated listeners who will catch the space-time continuum discrepancy.

Here are links to the information we talked about today:

Got a question for Michael and Stephen? Run across something interesting you want to share with the show? Do you have a topic idea for a future episode? Send it to us at info@familypethealth.com.

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