Family Pet Health

Walk-My-Dog Program

Registersubmit mileage

Registration for the 2025 Walk My Dog Challenge NOW OPEN!!!

Promotional for the 2025 Walk My Dog Program
Prizes for our winners and the qualifying participants can be picked up from Family Pet Health.
  • Each individual who turns in a log, will be entered into a drawing for a Free Fear Free physical at our clinic
  • 15 miles – Squeaky Ball
  • 30 miles – Doggie waste bag
  • 50 miles – t-shirt
  • 75 miles – ½ off the price of a Fear Free comprehensive exam for your dog

Register Today!

Submit Mileage
Please be sure to use the same name and email address each time you submit your miles to ensure your numbers are correctly calculated!

Safe, fun, outdoor activity

A dog wearing a leash gazes upward

What is the Walk-My-Dog Program?

It’s simple, fun and good for you and your furry family members. The concept is similar to a library’s summer reading program, but instead of reading books, participants are walking miles with their dogs.

Walk your own dog(s) on your own schedule and on your own route to win prizes.

A black puppy stands on a leash held by a person

Why do it?

Walking your dog provides an excellent foundation for good physical and mental health, both for you and your furry friend. Getting outside and walking your dog helps burn calories, improve cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones and joints, decrease stress and improve the bond with your pet.

Studies show that folks who have a training partner are more likely to stay motivated and fit – and that is especially true if your training partner is a dog!

Pull out the leash and the tail is wagging – how can you say no?

Who can participate?
  • All ages
  • Clients, non-clients
  • Dog-owners, non-dog-owners
Ready, Set, Walk!
  • Our 2023 Walk My Dog Program is now open! The program will go from May through June.
  • Join us on social media for updates, shoutouts and more. Click here to visit our Facebook, or Instagram.
Track Your Distance
  • Walkers can use any route, any time of day, as long as they are also walking with a dog.
  • Walk your dog, a friend’s dog or even with your family group walking a dog.
  • Participate on our Facebook page sharing your tips and photos for great neighborhood routes and memories.
Engage on Social Media
  • Email your walking photos to for use on our Facebook, Instagram (FamilyPetHealthTN) and website to help encourage others to keep going!
  • Be on the lookout for fun weekly social media challenges for your chance to win additional prizes.
  • Use the hashtags #walkmydog #familypethealth #wagitbetter on your social media posts.
Weekly Social Media Challenge

We invite you to engage with the Walk My Dog program through social media. Each week, we will post a challenge for you to create a social media post related to that week’s topic. The submission can be a picture or video but MUST include your dog. Use the hashtags #WalkMyDog #FamilyPetHealth #WagItBetter and tag the sponsoring business so we can search the submissions and select ones at random for fun prizes. You can use pictures or video shot any time during the challenge but it must be posted during the particular week for the prize.

Meet Your Goal and Win!
  • You will be able to submit your mileage weekly to our website or turn it all in at once at the end of the program.
Prizes (choose your level based on mileage)
  • Each individual who turns in a log, will be entered into a drawing for a Free Fear Free physical at our clinic
  • 15 miles – Squeaky Ball
  • 30 miles – Doggie waste bag
  • 50 miles – t-shirt
  • 75 miles – ½ off the price of a Fear Free comprehensive exam for your dog
Overall Mileage Winners

Top distance walked in the following categories will be awarded additional prizes.

  • Human:
    • Grade school (grade K-5)
    • Secondary school (grade 6-12),
    • Adult (age 18-54),
    • Senior (age 55+).
  • Canine:
    • Toy Breed (1-10 pounds)
    • Small Breed (11-25 pounds)
    • Medium Breed (26-50 pounds)
    • Large Breed (over 50 pounds)

“A dog is one of the remaining reasons why some people can be persuaded to go for a walk.”

— O.A. Battista

Ring of Honor

Check out our past winners!

Winners of the 2023 walk my dog challenge
Winners of the 2022 walk my dog challenge
Winners of the 2021 walk my dog challenge
Winners of the walk my dog challenge

We want to give a special shout-out to Stacey from Animal Hospital at Auburn Hills for inspiring us with the Walk My Dog program concept and helping us put this event together. If you have a chance, visit their Facebook page and tell them “Thank you.”