WE have answers to your questions.



We are always happy to help answer any questions you may have!

Below are some of our most frequently asked questions. If your question is not answered below, please contact us and we’ll assist you.

How much does it cost to bring my pet to Family Pet Health?
Every pet visit is different. Therefore your ultimate cost will depend upon what type of visit your pet has as well as what, if any, vaccinations are given and diagnostics performed. However, we provide all clients a care plan that details the charges for the visit BEFORE any services are performed. Our Fear Free wellness exam costs $85 for dogs & cats and our Fear Free exotic exam for birds, reptiles, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, etc. is $85.  A Fear Free Medical exam for any species of sick pet is $100. Finally, we reserve 1-4 Urgent Care spots every day that can be booked on a first come, first served basis at a cost of $125.
What is Fear Free?

We know that visiting the veterinarian can be a stressful experience for your pet AND you. As a Fear Free Certified Clinic, our goal is to reduce and even eliminate the fear, anxiety & stress your pet may experience coming to the doctor. We do everything we can to help pets love us as much as we love them and every aspect of our practice is designed around Fear Free principles.

All of our team members have completed special training to become Fear-Free Certified Professionals and are continuously making efforts to improve their skills in recognizing and addressing fear, anxiety, and stress in our patients. Their training helps us to provide services that are both physically and emotionally beneficial to our patients and their pet parents.

When visiting our clinic, you might notice that we don’t have a waiting area and that you and your pet instead go straight into an exam room. We schedule our appointments to provide time for your pet to have a relaxed experience and for you to have a conversation with our staff. We designed our clinic to reduce scary sounds and interactions and utilize calming pheromones to further reduce the fear, anxiety, and stress your pet may feel. We also provide lots of fun treats during the visit so that your pet associates the clinic with positive rewards.

We obviously love talking about Fear Free and would love to talk to you more and answer any other questions you may have. Feel free to call us anytime at 615-907-8387.

Do you offer payment plans?
We know that understanding and budgeting for your pet’s veterinary care can be stressful. We have created wellness plans that make it simple to provide the care your pet needs in a manner easy on your monthly budget. You can spread the regular cost of your pets veterinary care across all twelve months of the year. While our clinic does not offer credit services internally, we also accept all major credit cards. Furthermore, you can also utilize payment plans offered by CareCredit and Scratchpay. Finally, we encourage clients to consider pet insurance to help protect against the financial impact of unexpected medical bills.
My pet loves Kelly. Can I request she always be the technician on our visit?

Who DOESN’T love Kelly??? Seriously, she’s awesome!

We think ALL of our staff is amazing and they all love meeting your pet. However, if one employee has a special bond with a pet, we note that in the file and always strive to continue that relationship. We can also work to accommodate your requests to see a particular employee.

What is the difference between a “Happy Visit” and a “Victory Visit”?
To help patients acclimate to our clinic in a Fear Free manner, we offer two special visit options for pets with particularly high FAS levels.

“Happy Visits” are where your pet can come to our clinic for a few minutes, receive some treats when meeting our staff, and then leave. There is no exam or vaccination. We may not even touch your pet. It is just an opportunity for your pet to visit us on her own rules and acclimate to our clinic for as little as 30 seconds or as long as 10 minutes. Whatever your pet is comfortable with, we will take that approach. There is no cost for “Happy Visits”.

“Victory Visits” are designed to prepare your pet for future visits. The visit will be with one of our staff members and will focus on behavioral health. Our staff works on preparing your pet for the exam process by conducting a lot of the movements of a regular exam without the scary procedure itself. We will introduce instruments like the scale, nail clippers, and the otoscope to your pet for his review. We might go through the motions of touching the teeth, ears, or paws and rewarding with cool treats. All of these steps are to simply acclimate your pet to the procedures and processes at our clinic in a low-stress environment. There is a $25 charge for a “Victory Visit”.

Do you offer military or senior citizen discounts?

We offer all of our clients the opportunity for discounted or even free services in our “Critter Club” customer rewards program. To participate, simply download our PetDesk app and select the “Critter Club” option from the main menu. From there, your “Care Coins” will accrue at the rate of 2 coins for every dollar you spend. Once you have the required number of coins, you can redeem them for discounted or free services.
Do you see exotics?

Family Pet Health cares for exotic pets. From wellness visits to surgery, we’re here to help. We see rabbits, guinea pigs, and pocket pets as well as birds and reptiles.

Do you accept walk-ins?

We see pets by appointment only. This allows us to most effectively limit the fear, anxiety, and stress for our patients and clients and maximize the efficiency of our staff.

In the event of an emergency during business hours, please call us so that we can prepare for your pet’s needs. We may need to direct you straight to the animal emergency hospital if we are unable to provide care due to staff availability.

Do you offer boarding/grooming?

The core mission of Family Pet Health is to provide for the needs of your pet in a positive environment. We have focused on providing for pet medical needs, and boarding/grooming falls outside of that focus. Therefore, we are not set up to provide those services.

There are several quality providers in our area who can provide Fear Free grooming services, as well as some excellent pet sitters who can care for your pet in your home. You can call us at 615-907-8387 for recommendations.

What’s the deal with Michael’s beard???

Yeah. The beard is something else. Can you believe Dr. Shirley has to look at it every day?

Michael participates in the annual St. Baldrick’s Foundation “Brave the Shave” fundraising campaign. Every March, he collects donations to help “conquer childhood cancers” and shaves his head in solidarity with the children across the country who are battling cancer. He begins letting his beard grow months in advance to create a full effect for the shave.

You can learn more about the St. Baldrick’s Foundation at https://www.stbaldricks.org/ and make your donation to Michael’s fundraising drive at our clinic beginning in February each year.